Our Consultants

Help parents, students, and organizations with educational planning. We provide best practices on building healthy parent-child relationships by observing the student’s behavior and parent coaching. We provide students and families with information on a variety of schools in Minnesota, private and public, to assist families with school choices, enrichment opportunities, summer programs, and study aboard programs.

Founder and Owner – Dr. Yuanjing Wilcox

Dr. Wilcox graduated from the Department of Educational Policy and Administration, University of Minnesota, majoring in Evaluation Studies. Dr. Wilcox has taught in both public and private schools, as well as universities.

With more than 20 years of teaching experience in China and the US, Dr. Wilcox provides extensive consultation services in curriculum design and instruction. With 15 years of experience in program evaluation, Dr. Wilcox has expertise in evaluation design, instrument design, data collection, quantitative and qualitative analysis and reporting. In addition, Dr. Wilcox bridges cross-cultural and intercultural understanding through her interpretation and translation services, student and teacher summer camps, and other exchange programs between the US and China.

Administrative Staff – Nina Wang, M.S.

Nina joined One On One in fall 2018. Prior to joining One On One, she has been working in the academic fields for more than 10 years including Stony Brook University, University of Michigan, and, currently, University of Minnesota. She has extensive working experiences in advising and supporting students with diverse background. In the past two years, Nina worked closely with Dr. Wilcox to support students, parents, and teachers at Yucai After School Parent-Teacher Organization. At One On One, Nina will work together with Dr. Wilcox, learning consultants, and tutors to ensure One On One runs smoothly and provides excellent service to its customers.